Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Unfortunately, this Romney critter has become the Bain of my existence! I would like to suggest that Senator McCain should release the 12 years of Romney's tax returns or at least tell us why, after receiving them, he chose Sarah Palin as his 2008 running mate, which might give us some insight into why Romney has his panties in a bunch. I might also ask why on God's green earth he would take an extension on his 2011 returns. He has no shortage of $ or flunkies who cater to his every need.  Knowing the Nixon underhanded tactics the conservatives are capable of I cannot believe that one of McCain's flunkies hasn't turned them over for a couple of "greenbacks." Keeping in mind that the Republicans haven't even had their convention or nominated Romney yet,  makes me wonder why so many from his own party, including George Will, have condemned his reluctance to release his returns. Could it be that they're actually not so fond of the dude and are hoping for a last minute replacement?  The ones who are speaking up have enough gray matter to know that Obama will make mince meat of him in the debates.

My sympathies lie with his 5 sons when they find out that their father is a lying, greedy, soul-less human being, who should be ashamed of himself for taking their mother who has suffered from cancer and MS and subjecting her to the arduous task of politicking to feed his frenzy for power.

His father ,George Romney was a winner in every respect.  Yoiks, it would appear that little Willard  "Mutt" Romney has fallen all the way to the bottom of the hill from the tree!
                                             THE OPINIONATED GRANNY APPROVES THIS MESSAGE!

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